Helsinki Biennial gains media visibility virtually in Finland and abroad




Helsinki Biennaali


Communications and media relations,

Mellakka was involved in the PR work of the first ever Helsinki Biennial. The collaboration generated comprehensive visibility throughout Finland, and the virtual event concept conceived by Mellakka was also copied to reach international media.

Mellakka planned a versatile series of promotions for the Helsinki Biennial that would give the new international art event organized as much visibility as possible in Finland. The highlights of the programme were announced in a visually impressive virtual event, to which everyone interested in the Helsinki Biennial was invited alongside important media. The virtual event attracted hundreds of followers online. The goal for the art event was to gain visibility especially in regional media, which is why Mellakka pitched the topic separately to the regional newspapers as well.

For influencer relations, Mellakka compiled a list of one hundred influencers that the Helsinki Biennial started following on Instagram. In this way, Helsinki Biennial’s social media channels gained potentially interested followers when the influencers started following the account themselves. This also made it possible to transmit interesting content directly to influencers’ channels.

Mellakka planned three commercial collaborations with influencers for the Helsinki Biennial, the goal of which was to gain regional visibility through influencers. Mellakka and the Helsinki Biennial invited one influencer each from Turku, Tampere and Jyväskylä to visit Helsinki with their families. An interesting Helsinki Biennial-themed programme was also curated for the influencers.

In addition, Mellakka provided an opportunity for influencers from Helsinki to visit the Helsinki Biennial before the official opening day. This also generated numerous mentions on the social media channels of important influencers.


  1. The virtual event conceived by Mellakka for the Helsinki Biennial attracted a total of nearly 400 people. Journalists also felt that the online event was good, and some asked for the recording so they could watch it afterwards.
  2. All the influencers involved in the Helsinki Biennial’s commercial collaborations found the participation very meaningful and were excited about the collaboration. This was reflected, for example, in the higher than anticipated number of Instagram posts.
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