Vegetarian meat craze boosts awareness of MeEat Food Tech
Meeat Food Tech
Communications and media relations,
Consulting and coaching,
Social media and content production,
Strategic planning,
Sustainability communications
In 2019, the traditional Finnish meat producer Pouttu made a complete turnaround and began developing plant-based products that look and taste like meat. Product development was done on a fast schedule, and Mellakka’s spurt was also fast, the aim being to make Pouttu Muu known and move its products from store shelves.
Mellakka created a plan that included multiple elements, from media communications to social media activations and advertising. The project got off to a flying start, and the new products grabbed the attention of the media and consumers.
Additional impetus to the launch of “Muutosruoka” (“Food of change”) was provided by the authorities, who forbade Pouttu from using the terms vegetable meat, burger patty and vegetable meatball that were prominent in Muu’s packaging and campaign.
Mellakka naturally made the most of it. Mellakka created a bold, one-post social media strategy knowing it would be a hit. And that’s exactly what happened. An hour after publication, the “case of the vegetarian meat” created by one social media post was already on the front pages of all national media. Altogether, the post generated 100 news items in the media, a huge social media discussion, and to top it all off, Kotus, the Institute for the Languages of Finland, chose vegetable meat (“kasviliha”) as its word of the month.
It soon became clear that the domestic market in Finland was no longer enough; the good news about plant protein must be spread to the world. Muu split off from Pouttu as a separate company, MeEat Food Tech Company, and this is where the work of building an international brand, its tone of voice and also product development began. In 2022, we were able to tell the world about the launch of sales of 3D printed meat and the publicity MeEat Food Tech had received around the world.
And all this because if nothing changes, nothing changes.

The world is changing and Pouttu with it. Mellakka’s role has been key in this change. The communications for the Pouttu Muu “vegetarian meat” products launched in autumn 2019 were brilliant, and thanks go to Mellakka Helsinki. Our collaboration has been painless and fun. When you are on the same wavelength, things get done quickly and both the seller and the client are satisfied with the end result. Over time, I’ve tried a little bit of everything, but I can recommend Mellakka to everyone with a good conscience.
Mikko Karell, CEO, MeEat Food Tech Oy